Friday, November 9, 2012

Tempered Safety Glass

With all the new technology that can go into a car today, it is easy to forget about the older, but no less important innovations that help to protect us. Laminated and tempered safety glass used for car windows makes for one less thing to worry about in a car accident.


"Laminated safety glass has two other additional benefits:

-It reduces transmission of high frequency sound.

-It blocks 97 percent of ultraviolet radiation.

Laminated safety glass is also used in:

Thermometers for taking body temperature

-Cutting boards

-Greenhouse windows

-Shower enclosures

-Office partitions

-Laminated safety glass resists falling out of its frame during an earthquake or a tornado.

Tempered safety glass is a single piece of glass that gets tempered using a process that heats, then quickly cools, the glass to harden it. The tempering process increases the strength of the glass to five to 10 times that of untempered glass. Tempered safety glass breaks differently than regular clear glass. When tempered safety glass is struck it does not break into sharp jagged pieces of shrapnel-like glass as normal window panes or mirrors do. Instead, it breaks into little pebble-like pieces, without sharp edges. It is used in the side and rear windows of automobiles. Eyewear uses tempered glass that has been tempered using a chemical process.

Courtesy of


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